We Now Know Why Princess Leia Was at the Battle of Scarif

Princess Leia at the end of Rogue One was a pretty nice surprise that helped directly tie the film into A New Hope by only a few short hours. That said, a lot of people (including myself) wondered what the Princess was doing at such a major encounter that could risk her safety as the face of the Alliance.

Creative Executive in Story Development at Lucasfilm, Pablo Hidalgo appeared on The Star Wars Show and cleared up the matter. It seems the iconic Tantve IV, Leia’s consular ship from A New Hope was at the Battle of Scarif because of timing.

Admiral Raddus –the fleet leader during the battle of Scarif– was already escorting Princes Leia on an emergency trip to Tatoonie because she was the public face of the cause and she was always at major risk from The Empire and its forces on her travels. Fans may remember the conversation Mon Mothma had with Bail Organa about his Jedi friend that lived there.

Hidaldo stated “The plan was always that Leia was going to go to Tatooine to pick up Obi-Wan and Raddus was going to escort her,” Hidalgo said. “Then the news of Scarif came in, and that was deemed more important … [because] it’s the one warship that they have at this point.”

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Another thing that we learned was that Leia was actually on the Yavin during the same time Jyn Erso was making her impassioned speech to the rebel council. The filmmakers kept her from the scene to save the moment for the big reveal at the games end. But the filmmakers wanted to drop a hint that she was on the planet with the cameos of R2D2 and C3PO.

[Via: Gizmodo]


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