Knockout City Going Free-To-Play This Spring, Sans-EA

Knockout City

Like it should’ve been.

You might remember Knockout City for its trailer which, in my opinion at least, kinda overshadowed the game it was for.

The game launched mid-last-year, and currently costs ~$19.99 on most stores. Which is going to be changing soon, as the game will be going free-to-play starting with its 6th season this Spring. And it’ll be doing so without EA. As Velan Studios states in their announcement:

That’s right, after Season 5 is over, we’re going to be kicking off Year 2 of Knockout City, and it comes with one huge headline to mix things up: Knockout City is going free-to-play, beginning this spring with Season 6! We’re really excited to bring our game to millions of new players around the world, by removing the price tag entirely. 

With that being said, we do want to take a moment to thank our day one fans for purchasing Knockout City and supporting us from the very beginning. Your dedication and loyalty motivates us everyday to continue to build our world, and we couldn’t have gotten this far without you. Our first priority will always be our community, and we’ve built a special Season 6 Loyalty Bundle specifically for those who have already purchased the game before Season 6 launches that’ll include exclusive legendary cosmetics, XP boosts, and 2,000 Holobux.*

The other big change happening over the first few seasons of Year 2 is that we (Velan Studios) are going to be self-publishing Knockout City! From the day we founded our studio, we’ve worked to deliver revolutionary new game experiences to you, our amazing community of players. We couldn’t have introduced Knockout City to the world without the incredible support of EA Originals, but now as we switch to free-to-play, the natural next step is for us to take over publishing responsibilities and work even more closely with our community. We have exciting plans for Knockout City, and bringing publishing in-house will allow us to fully realize our vision for the long-term future of this game. There’s so much to look forward to, because this is just the beginning.

While there are obvious upsides to this for players, the one downside mentioned is that the switchover to self-publishing requires a lot of work, meaning that Season 6 is probably going to have less content than season 5. That said, no longer being based on a model of a paid for game with microtransactions is a pretty big benefit regardless.

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Source: Eurogamer

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