KFC’s Tray Typer lets you text with your tray with greasy fingers

Tray Typer

The world of fast food keeps getting more and more disturbing. KFC has finally given us an answer to a question that none of us really had. What are you to do when you are slamming down a family size meal of KFC Double Downs and you get a text? Wipe your greasy fingers off on your shirt? Maybe your pant leg? Or perhaps use one of those white papery things that come in huge bundles on every table? Hell, no!

KFC thinks the answer is the Tray Typer, a keyboard no thicker than the paper mats that come with every tray of chicken product. The keyboard mat connects to your phone via Bluetooth, because fuck it all, let’s put Bluetooth in everything. Fucking internet of things people!

This abomination of chicken and technology is part of a German ad campaign for KFC. The keyboard itself is reusable so KFC enthusiasts can take it home and have at it. What do you think of this piece of kit? Would you use it in public, and would you like this to become a normal thing at all fast food joints?


Via: (Engadget)

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