KEMCO brings their RPG ‘Revenant Saga’ to Steam

KEMCO announces the release of Revenant Saga set to hit Steam today. This port of their mobile RPG is priced at  $9.99 but to celebrate the release KEMCO is making it made available for just $8.99 (10%OFF) for a limited time.

Boasting a story that blurs the lines between good and evil, a refined 3D battle system, and plenty of content to go around, this is one title that RPG fans may want to take a look at.

After being turned into an immortal being known as a “Revenant” and learning of the existence of a demon within him, Albert sets out on a journey to make the person who did this to him pay with their very life because this is a JRPG and all.

There is no getting around that this is a port of a mobile RPG from iOS to Steam, but it’s an RPG and those don’t come out everyday on Steam. Well, at least ones not made in RPG Maker. We shall see how PC RPG fans react to this one.




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