Katamari Damacy Rolling Onto iOS and Android With Tap my Katamari

Tap my Katamari

Katamari Damacy is a silly game. You play as a little man who is tasked with rolling up everything around him in a giant ball. This includes random objects, animals, people, cars, buildings, and so on. It makes little sense, and yet it was some of the most fun I’ve had with any game series. Problem was that over here in the states the game had limited releases over the years, and can sometimes be hard to come by. I picked up the 360 version for a friend last year, tracking down the only copy in town. Hell, I won’t go into how I’ve never even seen a copy of the Wii version in the wild (pretty sure it was canceled).

The game is now making a comeback, and players are going to be able to get in one the fun without a $400 console! That right, Katamari Damacy is making its way onto both iOS and Android devices. Playing to the strengths of the mobile market, Tap my Katamari will be the first game since the 2012 Vita title Touch My Katamari. I’m actually really excited about a mobile game for the first time, but be warned, Tap my Katamari does ditch the 3D rolling for a tap based 2D mechanic (the name gives it away).

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Check out the announce trailer below and check it our for yourself.

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