Kamiya Hates Switch Home Screen’s Lack of Organization and Folders


He says what we’re all thinking.

Hideki Kamiya is one of my favorite people in the business, if not my favorite. Just figured I should get that out of the way

Anyway, Mr. Kamiya has, in the past, criticized Nintendo for aspects of the Switch. Namely, for the lack of a D-pad on the JoyCons.


Of course, you might notice that my source for this story is Kotaku. The man that made Resident Evil 2 once delivered unto them the most severe of burns.

I would add his final tweet there to my lexicon, but I’m a good boy and I don’t curse.

Anyway, recently, he’s pointed out the fact that the main menu for the Switch is super shitty. Specifically, since you can’t organize it as you like, and you have no method of making folders for games. Your only option is the gigantic list of crap under “All Games”, which is situated at the end of the short list of games on the home screen that are themselves organized in order played/downloaded.


The dung home of the switch, a few dungeon game thumbnails lined up in poverty, and the other games were thrown into the “all games” trash can and thank you very much. Hey …? Have you finished selling …?

Google Translate doing a shitty fuckin’ job, as usual, with Kamiya’s tweet

This is double fucked, since the 3DS has had exactly the sort of home screen functionality needed here for over half a decade.

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Regardless, hopefully, Mr. Kamiya doesn’t lose the heart to finish Bayonetta 3 because of this absolute failure on Nintendo’s part.

Source: Kotaku

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