Hands on with Jump Force at E3 2018

Become king of the Hokage fighters.

Jump Force was definitely the surprise wild card of Xbox’s presentation. I’d figured that the best they had was a trailer, and maybe some bonus footage on the way. But the game was actually playable in Microsoft’s Xbox area.

And, really, the videos don’t do the game justice. In person, on Xbox One X, it’s super pretty. They were able to strike a perfect balance between the characters’ anime roots, and the realism of the environments. The give everything just the right touches. and the game is oh so buttery smooth.

As the fighting goes, that’s the bulk of it. They only had six characters to show (two from each of the confirmed properties), but it’s a guarantee the end game will have more. Once you know the controls, though, the game really clicks.

The fights can progress through environments, as you may have become accustomed to in other fighting games. Not to mention the fact that you can swap between the three characters in your team on the fly.

It was a shame that the demo limits you to just one fight. The effects in particular are super pretty; fire, for example, has a particularly nice flow to it.

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Still, we’ll be wating until 2019 to see Jump Force in all its glory. Microsoft really pulled out all the stops to get this one.

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