John Romero Returns To DOOM After 21 Years With New Level


Every shooter that comes out owes something to the original Doom that dropped when I was only but a small child. While not the first FPS, it was the one that set the world on fire. While people were playing on their Nintendo consoles, us young brats on the PC where blasting Imps back to hell. It was the first time you could really show the difference between consoles and PCs when it came to gaming. John Romero, who served as the secret end boss and helped create this legendary title, is back in the saddle with his first level in twenty-one years.

Here is how he describes it:

After exiting the Computer Station you knew the worst was up ahead. You still hadn’t reached the place where the demons were coming from. The steel door shuts behind you as you realize you’re there; you’re at the Phobos Anomaly. Cracks from hell are all over the place as seepage from the portal invades the entire installation. Now it’s time to find the portal and stop the demons from coming through. You know UAC had hundreds of scientists working at a high-tech lab somewhere in this area, and the portal must be connected to it somehow. Time to lock and load.

You can download the level here:

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