The Jetsons & WWE Robo-Wrestlemania


The Jetsons is an interesting concept in 2017. So much of the silly technology on display is either stuff we’ve already surpassed, or just silly enough to earn a few cheap laughs. In that regard Robo-Wrestlemania doesn’t stray far from the past in terms of comedy.

You get all the classic bits that made the original Jetsons so much fun in its day. The automated walkways, the push-button amenities (such a cute idea now) and the almost required automatic dressing and cleaning scenes. For most this might be a cheap by-the-numbers gimmick, but it’s so nostalgic that it all still works. The meshing of WWE and The Jetsons may seem weird, and it is, but it brings in a lot of different people together.

Meet the Jetsons in WWE cosplay
Meet the Jetsons in WWE cosplay

It’s a fun experience designed for the whole family, and I’m happy to report that the animation feels classic, yet far better than what Hanna-Barbera used to put out on the cheap all those years ago. What doesn’t always work is the new voice cast representing The Jetsons. George sounds fine, with Jane and Judy filling the shoes nicely, but the rest, especially Elroy can become really grating, and there isn’t enough Astro. Heck, he might only have like five lines.

The story is as silly as you’d expect, but as this is animation, these things take time to create and it isn’t current WWE fare. The robo-wrestlers feature stars that are no longer with the company (Stardust gets some decent screen time), and most pressingly, the current champ at the outset of the film is Sheamus. This is also pre-brand split so WWE fans are going to get a chuckle out of this flick. Also, the Big Show is the star of the feature, wanting the WWE Championship, and while most will hate this, I dig it. Look, he isn’t getting another title run, so an animated one works for me.

The champ is here!

Big Show himself does a fantastic job as a voice actor, something that can really be seen when paired up against some of the other WWE talent. Sure, these wrestlers are playing themselves, but many of them lack the punch which makes them feel like they are playing characters, of characters. It’s actually really impressive just how good Big Show is and I hope he gets more voice work.

The idea of the WWE meeting The Jetsons isn’t all that crazy. It’s actually more crazy that in the canon of the movie that Sheamus is the biggest rival the Big Show ever had in his history. The Jetsons themselves have already had a few movies where they do the time travel shtick, so I can buy this. The real fun comes from the incompatibilities of both worlds and the jokes that, while obvious, are still good for some laughs.

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Seth makes any scene better.
Seth makes any scene better.

The Jetsons in the past are out-of-place, but the people of the time (our time) see them as weird Sci-Fi nerds that missed Comic-Con. It’s silly but it’s good for a few laughs, just as the WWE stars in the future have their own issues. But my favorite bit is seeing the Jetsons posing as current talent to sneak into a WWE event. The funny part is those costumes they nick are of wrestlers more popular now than the ones featured in the film. Animation is a tricky thing with regards to timing.

Still, Alicia Fox has the most amazing Northern Lights in the history of wrestling so I’m okay her getting  push as part of the WWE future crew. And the wrestling parts are so silly that they work better than the actual thing. Michael Cole is as wooden as he is doing video game lines, but the cartoon sound effects from the wrestlers during matches actually enhance everything. Like I said earlier, it’s all silly fun.

Every. Dang Scene.

Well, it’s all fun until Roman Reigns takes up screen time and stinks up the place. My bad jokes aside, the whole thing is harmless fun that shows there is a place in the animated world for some WWE adventures and shows that The Jetsons are still as good as ever. And Roman Regins actually does a pretty good job having fun playing himself.

If you have kids who love WWE and cartoons they are going to get a serious kick out of this film. I’m a full grown adult and a fan of both The Jetsons and WWE, and I had a really good time checking this one out. I won’t even mind popping it in again sometime just for some fun. I hope we get more stuff like this instead of those terrible live-action films WWE seems to love. I’ll take a sequel to Robo-Wrestlemania any day over The Marine 9: The Miz Needs Another Paycheck.

“This mashup is so insane it actually works and offers up enough silly laughs for fans of both.”

Final Score:

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