Jeff Goldblum hints at possible role in superhero film

Jeff Goldblum

Jeff Goldblum is an American treasure. Everything that his is in is immediately   elevated the moment he is on-screen. But for all the classic roles he is known for, a role in a superhero film is not among them. Sure, the genre is fairly new as a major force in Hollywood, but getting “The Blum” into a role would be a lot of fun.

Speaking with MTV News’s Josh Horowitz, Mr. Goldblum was asked asked about the possibility of appearing in a superhero film in the future. It was a fun softball question, for sure, but the answer Goldblum gave was pretty interesting.

He stated that, “I can say very little right now, but you might be onto something.” While this doesn’t confirm anything, it does leave us playing casting agent in our heads.

If Mr. Goldblum does snag a role in a Marvel or DC film, what role would you love seeing him in?

Source: (MTV News)

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