Jeepers Creepers #1 – Review

Title: Jeepers Creepers #1
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Marc Andreyko
Artist: Kewber Baal
Release: Apr 25
Price: $3.99

“Grad student Devin Toulson is writing his dream thesis on Myths in American History, but when his research takes him on a journey reaching back centuries, Devin finds something horrifying.”

Horror books are interesting thing in this day and age. So it’s nice to see one get released with some mass appeal. Jeepers Creepers is a semi-famous horror series about unlikable teens getting eaten by the titular Jeepers Creepers. To be fair, it wasn’t all that special, but the monster effects were a lot of fun and made for a memorable creature.

Jeepers Creepers #1 takes said movie series to the printed page and with it a lot of room to expand on the mythos behind the flying monster. I’ve only ever seen the first film so everything in regards to Jeepers Creepers is pretty much new again. Thankfully Jeepers Creepers #1 is a solid beginning that should satisfy fans, both new and old alike.

The book kicks off in the same location that the series is known for. The coloring and art on display does a really good job to set the mood and call back on the original style that the film focused on. It’s creepy and effective in setting up Jeepers Creepers and fans of the series should dig it.

But the majority of the book focuses on what seems like will become the books main character, Devon. he’s a grad student traveling to Mexico while working on his thesis, and he’s the one person in the book who we follow. We don’t learn a lot about him as this issue he mostly serves to fill in a lot of the back-story of the Jeepers Creepers monster.

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I don’t remember a lot of the first film, or how must it touched on the monster’s history (I don’t think it did), but Jeepers Creepers #1 provides enough details to get those new to the series up to speed. Alongside all of this the book features cuts to the creature and his iconic truck from the films. We aren’t sure if this is some flashback, flashforwards, or taking place during the current timeline, but it works well.

Jeepers Creepers #1 is really great at walking the fine line between new and old fans. You get to see a lot of the monster from how he was set up in the films, but you also get a lot f new information thanks to our lifeless (for now) main character. Eventually both of these segments merge together, and when it happens it’s pretty interesting.

Writer Marc Andreyko has done a really good job setting up what looks to be an interesting title that should appeal to fans of Jeepers Creepers as well as those looking for something a little different in terms of a coming book.

Jeepers Creepers #1 doesn’t do anything special or truly exciting, but it will please fans and offers up something different than the traditional superhero fare. I hope the story develops into something interesting and is allowed to take some risks outside of the established movie fare the book is based on.

“Not a lot of scares in Jeepers Creepers #1, but it sets up an interesting world with deep lore surrounding one fun monster.”

Final Score:


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