James Gunn Fired by Disney, Removed from Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise

James Gunn

Twitter: The Hill You’ll Die On.

After the surfacing of a number of old, unseemly posts on social media, James Gunn has been removed as director of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. The posts ran the gamut of pedophilia and rape, 911, AIDSand a whole host of other things. And, you know, The Mouse ain’t really down to play with that. According to Fox News, the tweets were dug up by people who oppose his political beliefs in an attempt to knock him down a few pegs. And it looks like they succeeded.

A few examples of the horribleness:

“I like when little boys touch me in my silly place.”

“The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!”

He made a statement to Variety on Friday:

“My words of nearly a decade ago were, at the time, totally failed and unfortunate efforts to be provocative,” Gunn said. “I have regretted them for many years since — not just because they were stupid, not at all funny, wildly insensitive, and certainly not provocative like I had hoped, but also because they don’t reflect the person I am today or have been for some time.”

“Regardless of how much time has passed, I understand and accept the business decisions taken today,” he said. “Even these many years later, I take full responsibility for the way I conducted myself then. All I can do now, beyond offering my sincere and heartfelt regret, is to be the best human being I can be: accepting, understanding, committed to equality, and far more thoughtful about my public statements and my obligations to our public discourse. To everyone inside my industry and beyond, I again offer my deepest apologies. Love to all.”


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Source: Deadline


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