J.J. Abrams Responds To Set Leaks In Best Possible Way

Star Wars information is big news, so much so that even something as pesky (and legally binding) as a NDA (non disclosure agreement) can stop images from leaking out to the internet.

J.J. Abrams has always been really great with keeping information about the projects he’s working on a secret, but it seems that Star Wars may just be to big a beast for him to keep under wraps.

So, what is a director to do in response to these leaked images? Rant and rave about secrecy, try to tighten everything down further, or maybe hunt down the leakers and feed them to the Sarlac?

Well, he doesn’t take any of those approaches, instead choosing to respond via Instagram in the most amazing way:

Not only does he address the leaks, but he also gives us a sneak peak of the Millennium Falcon, even though it hasn’t been confirmed to be in the film. It’s a genius and a perfect response.

For those that may not know, the table that the post it note is on is actually a Dejarik table. It’s the same table played by Chewbacca and R2-D2 in ‘Star Wars: A New Hope.’ The banter between the two gave us the classic C-3PO line, “Let the Wookiee win.”

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