Italy’s Internet Strains Under Quarantined Kids’ Constant Fortnite Playing


By the end of this shit, they’re gonna be MLG Pro.

Italy responded to the coronavirus threat by quarantining the entire country. The European boot is sealed up tight as a drum; no travel, public gatherings, and most important, school. And according to Bloomberg, the lattermost has caused a surge in internet usage, in particular from children playing Fortnite.

According to Italy’s telecom, Telecom Italian SpA, internet usage in the country has spiked by over 70% since the quarantine was instated. And a not inconsiderable amount of that is from online gaming. Fortnite, as well as Call of Duty, are specifically mentioned.

We reported an increase of more than 70% of Internet traffic over our landline network, with a big contribution from online gaming such as Fortnite.

Telecom Italian SpA CEO Luigi Gubitosi

That said, all that usage has led to a few lost connections. Per the company’s statement:

Telecom Italia’s network is working perfectly and with higher volumes compared with previous days. The issues reported affected just some applications and the internet due to a failure of the international network.

Source: PC Gamer

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