Instagram Goes Down Basically Everywhere


5xx Server Error.

It seems Instagram dropped like a sack of doorknobs last night. And it seems to have been global. Not a single user could get on Instagram. All they got is the following:

Normally, those X’s are other numbers, which can help you diagnose why you can’t get on the service. A 503 error, for example, simply means the server is unavailable to respond, likely down for maintenance. In this case, though, there’s no obvious reason for the downtime. It could be some massive technical snafu; judging by the heat map, it’s everywhere, but not as bad as it could be. It might just be their main servers. Some are thinking it’s related to a recent update. That said, we won’t know anything until Facebook addresses the issue publicly. Some are thinking it’s related to a recent update

The site went down around 12:22 pm Pacific, and wasn’t back until sometime after the turning of the new hour. So, guess we’ll find out the cause soon enough.

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