Lab Zero Games was kind enough to send us a code for the backer preview of their upcoming game, Indivisible. So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank them for that. I’d had some interest in Indivisible for a while, but no real money to throw its way, so here’s hoping that this helps.

I’m going to start by saying that so far, the game is beautiful. For me at least, it really brings to mind those Vanillaware games like Odin Sphere or Muramasa. Even then, Indivisible has far more animation to it than those games do, based on my memories of them. Lab Zero got accolades for animation with Skullgirls; Indivisible is even better. There’s an awful lot of life being breathed into these characters, and that’s just purely based on looks.

As far as combat is concerned, the game does things its own way. It straddles the line between an Action RPG, and something like the first two Paper Mario games. The former in that you’re controlling your entire team with button and directional commands, limited only by the amount of stamina they have. In the latter, it’s that you can initiate combat with an attack, and you can actively defend during combat if you use the proper timing. And, for some reason, I can’t shake an impulse to compare it to Xenogears’ combat. Which is wrong, as it doesn’t really play like Xenogears.

Getting used to the timing to defend is probably the hardest part, which is why it’s good that some Iddhi attacks heal (as well as on character’s down combo). The Iddhi gauge applies to the whole team and resets to zero after combat. So it’s important to use it strategically, but not so much so that you treat it as too good to waste. It’s charged by attacks, in a somewhat similar way to a super bar in a fighting game. It’s also used up when you defend against attacks, but that doesn’t outstrip generation too bad.

Overall, what Lab Zero already has for the game is pretty impressive. Sadly, we’ll have to wait about a year to see the finished product. But I think I’ll definitely be anticipating Indivisible now.