IKEA Makes Animal Crossing Recreation Of Their Catalog

Animal Crossing


You may or may not be the sort to like IKEA’s products. Personally, I think of ’em as LEGO sets for adults, love ’em. But you may be less ambivalent about Animal Crossing, in which case, this IKEA catalog is for you.

…well, technically, it’s not for you, considering it’s in Chinese for the Taiwan market, but you get the point.

They recreated their latest catalog in Animal Crossing, at least, to the best it is possible. That does mean that they didn’t do the full catalog, but what’s there is pretty novel overall. The full catalog is, after all, 282 pages long.

The also recreated a small IKEA showroom to go along with it.

Animal Crossing

I, uh, doubt they can recreate Swedish meatballs in Animal Crossing, though.

Source: Kotaku

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