IKEA Launches eSport And Accessibility Gaming Line


Yeah, most of us are used to following arrows.

IKEA is expanding into the gaming peripheral market. They’ve teamed up with UNYQ to launch a new line of gaming related and gaming accessibility products.

UNYQ, for the unaware, makes a number of 3D printed accessibility aids. Mostly, they deal in medical prosthetics and adjacent equipment, like braces to help with scoliosis. And to better create these prosthetics, the developed a means of boy scanning that easily allows them to 3D print such items bespoke to the user.

And it’s in that vein that IKEA is taking inspiration with their new UPPKOPPLA line. Alongside prototypes for these products, IKEA also unveiled a companion app for them.


The products they’ve shown off are about what you’d expect. A mouse bungee, A sliding wrist rest, and textured key caps. Notably, the wrist rest is the centerpiece here; when ordered, it’s manufactured to your personal biometrics.


See, the app will have the software to scan your hand/wrist/arm. And it only needs your phone’s camera to do so; no specialized equipment. As such, all of these products will only be available through the app. None of them will show up in IKEA stores.

It’s actually striking how unexplored this part of the gaming industry is. Focus has always been on the hardware, and everything else has been ignored.

Tommy Ingemarsson, founder and CEO of Area Academy

This is an exciting chance to create products that can be personalised and unique for people with particular needs. We’re looking forward to customising other kind of products for more groups of people.

Michael Nikolic

IKEA’s UPPKOPPLA line plans to go on sale in 2020

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Source: Engadget

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