Humble Capcom Rising Bundle Shambles Towards You

humble capcom rising bundle

Master of Unlocking

It’s that time again. Time for another Humble Bundle; this time, with Capcom. And shambling hoards of the undead.

Capcom has partnered with Humble Bundle to drop a hell of a deal for charity.

For just a dollar, you can get your hands on:


Umbrella Corps

DmC: Devil May Cry

If you drop more than the current average ($7.24, as of this writing), you also get:

Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Resident Evil HD

Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil 6

And if you toss in $12, you also get:

Dead Rising 2

Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition

Humble Bundle always seems to have some good stuff on tap. That’s a hell of a lot of entertainment for less than a Hamilton. And the $12 tier really caps it off, especially since you actually need to have Dead Rising 2 to play Off the Record. So get in there and mow down some zombies for charity!

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