Humble Bundle’s Humble GameMaker Bundle

Humble Bundle Humble GameMaker Bundle

Play, then make, some games.

Surely the thought has crossed your mind at some point. The thought that you could, possibly, make a game. Well, Humble Bundle’s got you covered with the Humble GameMaker Bundle.

Not only are they giving you the base software and modules, they’re also giving you games. Specifically, games made in GameMaker. So you can get some idea of what the software is capable of before you start, I’d wager. Here’s what’s on tap:

Pay Anything Tier:

Extreme Burger Defense + Source Code, Freeway Mutant + Source Code, Uncanny Valley, Cook, Serve, Delicious, INK Deluxe Edition, Shep Hard + Source Code, Angry Chicken: Egg Madness! + Source Code, GameMaker: Studio Pro

Over Average Tier:

Uncanny Valley (Source Code Only), INK Deluxe Edition (Source Code Only), Galactic Missile Defense + Source Code, GameMaker: HTML 5 Module, 10 Second Ninja X: GameMaker Edition (Source Code Only), Solstice, Home, Cook, Serve, Delicious (Source Code Only)

$15+ Tier:

GameMaker: Android Module, GameMaker: iOS Module, GameMaker: UWP Module, Flop Rocket (Source Code and UWP Package), Solstice (Source Code Only), Home (Source Code Only)

Overall, that’s $1,687 worth of software for 15 bucks. That’s one hell of a deal. So head on over to Humble Bundle and snap it up within the next 13 days!

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