Humble Bundle: Saint’s Row Bundle Offers Big Deal

Humble Bundle Humble Saint's Row Bundle

Also some other stuff that’s not Saint’s Row.

Like Saint’s Row? Well, Humble Bundle’s got you covered with the Humble Saint’s Row Bundle.

The bundle gives you a ton of Deep Silver published games, including Several Saint’s Row games, as well as some non-Saint’s Row goodies, including the delightful Suda 51 game Killer is Dead, and the *sigh* make-an-anime-fan-on-prom-night-cry Mighty No. 9.


Risen 3: Titan Lords Complete Edition, Deadlight: Director’s Cut, Homefront, Saint’s Row 2

Above Average Tier:

Saint’s Row: The Third, Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell, Mighty No. 9, Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition, and a currently unannounced game


Homefront®: The Revolution Standard Edition, Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition, Saints Row: The Third – The Full Package, and Saint’s Row: Gat Out of Hell – Devil’s Workshop Pack

For $15, you’re getting $266 worth of games. That’s a pretty serious deal. The bundle runs for the next 13 days, so you’ll have plenty of time to figure out if this Humble Bundle is for you.

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