Hot Wheels has Made a Real Rocket League Set

With tiny RC cars.

Rocket League has done pretty well for itself. And it’s really no surprise that because of that, it’s gotten all sorts of little collectibles and whatnot. But the best is yet to come; Psyonix has teamed up with Mattel to put out a Hot Wheels Rocket League set. And, yes, the little cars are controllable via remote; your smartphone to be specific.

I hope it’s much like playing the game on one of these.

Now, smartphone controls are… not what I’d consider ideal for such a thing, but that’s probably a way of keeping the costs down. Which is important, as they really seem to be going for it otherwise.

The set comes with cars patterned after Octane and Dominus from the game, and an oversized  ball, with a mat that unfolds to reveal the game surface. The set even comes with a scoreboard. And it will contain codes that unlock content in the game proper.

Rocket League
Mattel, Psyonix

The set is still a way off, though, so anything can change. The Rocket League RC Rivals Set won’t be out until the Holiday season this year, and it’ll retail for $179.99 US. Toy Fair 2018 attendees will get to see the set in action.

Source: Engadget

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