Horror has a new address on the PS4 as ‘Pineview Drive’ launches

Indie game developer and publisher UIG Entertainment has let us know that their psychological thriller, Pineview Drive, is now available for download on PS4 here in the states.

Pineview Drive is a first-person horror game that tries to go beyond the typical story about a haunted house. Dealing with the mechanisms of repression and trauma, the game puts emphasis on players own interpretation of events. .

Pineview Drive challenges you to search for hints and solve puzzles. You cannot protect yourself from evil in the game. You can only avoid it. However, watch out, as your fear is tracked and monitored, and you lose health if you get scared.

It seems a lot like the Amnesia series of games that everyone went crazy for a few years back. Not something up my ally (not because it’s scary, more because it’s sort of boring), but I know lots of YouTubers  people that still get a kick out of this stuff.

Looking for info on the game via YouTube tells me that it has to be the most terrifying game to ever be released. Well, it does if I only went by the thumbnails of adults looking like they just saw their entire family be murdered.

Download Pineview Drive on PS4 today!

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