Those horrific Mass Effect: Andromeda animations aren’t getting fixed anytime soon

Mass Effect: Andromeda isn’t a game I’m all that interested in. I played the first Mass Effect and had a good time with it, but it never clicked with me in the way it has with so many other people.

I own the second game but have yet to find the time to boot it up, although a ton of people I trust and respect tell me it’s quite the lovely experience. Funny enough, if I mention the 3rd game in the series they get really quiet and begin to mutter under their breath.

But now I’m more excited than ever about Mass Effect: Andromeda, not because any of the marketing or hype, but because of how silly the game looks. Most specifically the games character and facial animations.

Videos are now floating around the interwebs that show the most unnatural facial animations that I’ve seen in a very long time. Some are even out there saying that the facial animations from the original Mass Effect are more realistic than what we are getting now.

What we do know is that these facial and character animation “quirks” aren’t being addressed in the day 1 patch the game is getting, so chances are we are suck with them. At the very least this means that Twitch and YouTube will be flooded with some pretty entertaining videos!

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Check out some of these glitches below, and good luck trying to to laugh:

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