‘For Honor’ Closed Beta Coming January 26th–29th

Today, Ubisoft  announced that the For Honor Closed Beta will be available from January 26th–29th on current-gen consoles and PC. Those still waiting to pledge their sword can sign up to have a chance to participate in the closed beta at www.forhonorgame.com/war.

Coinciding with the Closed Beta, Ubisoft is also launching War of the Factions, a limited-time event which will help answer the question: When the mighty Vikings, deadly Samurai and bold Knights finally collide on the battlefield, who will reign supreme?

War of the Factions will track all multiplayer activities across all platforms from all players during the Closed Beta, and will reward players for fighting for their factions and honor the winning faction with additional rewards. The rewards will transfer to the full game and only be available to Closed Beta participants.

For Honor was one of our favorite games that we checked out at E3 2016. Ubisoft has a real knack for screwing the pooch when it comes to AAA launche, so we have our fingers crossed that the game comes together better than their past few releases.

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