HITMAN™: Episode 2 – Sapienza is Free Right Now


Grab it while you can.

IO Interactive keeps giving us the good stuff. Because right now, you can get Episode 2 of HITMAN free in the Spring Pack. All you need to do is log in to Steam and claim it (or, alternatively, go here and click on the green button labeled “Free” if you already have Episode 1). And then it’s yours to keep.

Spring has arrived and it’s time to travel somewhere sunny! Your destination is Sapienza and everyone is invited via the HITMAN Spring Pack.

The HITMAN Spring Pack is a completely FREE download and includes the entire Sapienza location (Episode 2). It’s yours to keep permanently and all of your progress will carry through to the full game when you buy the Game of the Year Edition – just make sure to download it before April 3rd!

You’ll get the main story mission, ‘World of Tomorrow’, 20 levels of Mastery (including weapon and item unlocks), more than 100 challenges, 7 achievements/trophies and ALL of the Escalation Contracts, Challenge Packs and Featured Contracts that we’ve released for Sapienza. On top of all that, any Elusive Targets that are re-activated in Sapienza will also be playable through the Spring Pack.

Keep in mind that you only have until April 3rd to get the Spring Pack for free. So don’t miss your chance at some free HITMAN goodness.

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