Heroes of the Storm player facing 5 years in prison for threatening Blizzard over chat ban

Heroes of the Storm-0

Assholes aren’t a rarity on the internet. But every once in a while, someone really turns it up to 11. In this case, threatening Blizzard employees.

Garden variety assholery. And look, I may not be good at HotS, but at least I know there's no "e" in "hoping", dumbass.
Depicted: Garden variety assholery. And look, I may not be good at HotS, but at least I know there’s no “e” in “hoping”, dumbass. And remember, Blizzard only wants the MLG Pro elites playing their free-to-play games, because that’s what makes it a tenable business model. Video games aren’t for fun, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Enter one Stephen Cebula. After his exceptional dickishness earned him a ban from the chat, the Silver Bracket League player got a really stupid idea in his head; he decided to threaten them on their Facebook page:

“Careful Blizzard … I live in California and your headquarters is here in California … You keep silencing me in Heroes of the Storm and I may or may not pay you a visit with an AK 47 amongst some other ‘fun’ tools.”

Ignoring the fact that he’s the sort of person that uses ellipses wrong, what the hell did he think the result of this would be? Clearly it wasn’t that Blizzard would report the incident to the FBI. Which they did. And the FBI hauled him in. And during their interview, he also admitted to having sexual fantasies about his five-year-old niece.

Cebula is currently being held without bail in light of his “significant” mental health issues, and facing the maximum statutory penalty of five years in prison, in addition to a possible $250,000 fine.

Via TechSpot

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