Heroes of the Storm: Hanzo and Alexstrasza In Development

Can’t wait for the whining about people picking Hanzo.

Blizzard’s recent Resurrecting Kel’Thuzad video series has been pretty cool. You get a peek behind the scenes of the creation of Heroes of the Storm content. But the sharp eyed seized upon a slight fumble on Blizzard’s part. At about 3 minutes 24 seconds of part 4, you can just barely make out two blurry names on the left side of a computer screen displaying the overview for Kel’Thuzad.

Heroes of the Storm

If you look really closely, you can make out the names as Overwatch’s Hanzo, and WoW’s Alexstrasza. Granted, there’s no telling how far off their inclusion will be. Based on previous leaks, though, it’ll be at least a few months, if they come this year at all. So, I guess Heroes of the Storm players who don’t play Overwatch will have time to learn to run when they hear angry Japanese.

Source: icy-veins.com

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