Heroes of the Storm 2018 Gameplay Update

Prepare for salt.

With the recent Hanzo patch, a host of new changes mentioned during BlizzCon have dropped in Heroes of the Storm.

Probably the largest change is to stealth heroes. Now, they’re less of an eye test. And to balance that change, they’ve all seen some buffs.

The other major change is Performance-Based Matchmaking. Now if you’re stuck with a bunch of scrublords, it’s slightly more your fault. Be sure to scream at your team, though; that’s how they’ll know you’re number one.

Structures now have truesight and unlimited ammo. To balance this, they do less damage to minions. Also, they ditched the interior tower, so keeps and forts stand alone.

Regeneration orbs now go neutral (can be picked up by either team) after a few seconds. Also, map objectives have now been standardized, they will either start 90 seconds after match start, or 3 minutes, depending on the map.

Most of the remaining changes were nickle and dime stuff. But most of it is an improvement (letting you click on the bottom minimap in Haunted mines to move there is genius). So, keep this in mind, and maybe we’ll see you in the Nexus.

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