Here’s how Star Wars won San Diego Comic Con (Updated with Comic Con footage)

So I went to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens panel in Hall H tonight, and let me tell you: it was fucking great. First, producer Kathleen Kennedy, director J.J. Abrams, and co-writer Lawrence Kasdan came out. That was cool. Then they were joined by John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac. Also cool! Then they were joined by Adam Driver, Domnhall Gleeson, and Gwendoline Christie. Even cooler! Then they were joined by Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison fucking Ford! Here’s some things we learned:

  • According to Kennedy, the diversity established in Abrams’ Star Trek films will be continued. “There are definitely Asians in Star Wars,” said Abrams

  • The new Stormtroopers are called the First Order, and their base is called Starkiller Base. Abrams: “There’s a spoiler from Domnhall Gleeson”

  • Oscar Isaac asked Harrison Ford for piloting tips. “Harrison said: ‘Number one, it’s fake. Number two, it’s in space.’ Okay, I can do that”

  • Adam Driver describes Kylo Ren thusly: “We talked about the difference between ‘bad’ and ‘right.’ Very few people will say, ‘I’m hurting people, I’m bad.’ But what’s far more dangerous is a group of people who have decided ‘We’re right.'” (I’m paraphrasing)

  • Gleeson’s reply to the above quote: “Yeah, my character is evil”

  • A five-minute behind the scenes reel was shown, and guys, it is jaw-dropping. We’ll post it when it becomes available. But it’s such a great look at the practical approach that Abrams is taking to this film. Creatures are being created, sets are being built, and they’re shooting this motherfucker on film! 

Then after all that, Abrams said to the crowd that another character of these films is the music. “Wouldn’t it be great to see a Star Wars concert right now?” We cheered. “Okay, let’s go. We only have enough room for all of you.”

So we were given these badges:


And we marched about half a mile away from Hall H. We wound up at a waterfront concert hall where the San Diego Symphony performed selections from the Star Wars soundtrack for us.



Our tickets entitled us to free lightsabers, by the way. I’m an adult.

A small portion of the crowd

Also, I learned something valuable about nerd entitlement tonight. I looked back at those bleachers and wondered aloud if I could get a seat up there. No, I was told, those are for guests of Verizon. “That’s bullshit,” I said, holding a free lightsaber, at a free Star Wars concert that featured an introduction by John Williams.

This is Harrison Ford hugging Mark Hamill! Trust me!

The whole main cast of The Force Awakens was there. John Boyega was especially excited, and took a selfie with all of us raising our sabers in the air.



The music itself was beautiful. Star Wars is one of the greatest scores ever composed, and as Abrams continually reminded us, the fandom is a huge part of what makes the franchise as important as it is. Being that close to the San Diego Symphony as they played “The Imperial March” was an indelible experience, and I’m not ashamed to say that I had tears in my eyes for most of the concert.

Every other franchise should take note: this is how you win over fans. This is how you show us that you respect us and you want to do right by us. Plus, they played the Rebel Fanfare over fireworks…



…which was just fucking incredible.

UPDATE: here’s the video they showed us at Hall H. It’s pretty incredible. Take a look for yourself and try to not tear up.



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