Have a library card? Hoopla Digital now lets you check out eBooks & Comics for free


Hoopla Digital is a thing of beauty. The service is completely free to users with library cards from one of 786 supported public library systems across the country. Hoopla allows you to digitally check out books, but now the service has gone one step further in their quest to be awesome.

Hoopla Digital is now offering 5,509 eBooks and 579 comics for the low, low price of free. The service already is offering over 300,000 books, audio books and music, but with the addition of eBooks and comics, Hoopla Digital is now the best digital book streaming service out there.

Head over to the website and find out if your library system is a participating member, and if not, be sure to email them and tell them to get on-board. Each library system may have its own policy with regards to its check-out policy and how many items can be out at once, but even if it’s only one book at a time, the service is pretty great.Visit Hoopla Digital to find out all the details, or you can likewise download the app for iOS, Android, or Kindle Fire devices.

Via: (LifeHacker)

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