Halo Wars 2 Open Beta Starts Monday

Halo Wars 2

News reports are indicating that Halo War 2 will go into open beta from June 13th through the 20th. This start would coincide with the Microsoft press conference that is happening on the 13th.

Some crafty users manged to dig up this info from the Xbox Store Page. While you can’t find it simply by searching the game, a reddit user (TheLittleMoa) did manage to get around that and find the information.

Not only did he find the information pertaining to the games store listing, but there were also a number of new screenshots that he managed to grab showing off what we can expect from the title.

I’m sure Microsoft hoped to shock the crowd with the announcement, but this is the internet and people are going to find these things out if you don’t hide them well enough. Still, it’s exciting to be able to get our hands on the beta and check out how Halo Wars 2 is developing!

Halo Wars 2

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