Halo Infinite Adds Infection Mode Year-And-A-Half After Release

Halo Infinite

Well, they’re trying.

I’m not one, but I imagine being a Halo fan right now is pain. You’ve got that godawful show, and then you’ve got Halo Infinite. Infinite released roughly a year and a half ago, and might best be described as “we’ll patch it in later” the game. It finally got campaign co-op and the Forge six months back; you know, things people would’ve expected in the game from the get-go.

Now, after all this time, Halo Infinite finally has Infection as a game mode. For those not familiar, Infection mostly plays like a zombie outbreak, where a small group of infected players hunts the larger uninfected group. With each kill, the infected group grows, and success for the uninfected is to survive until the timer runs out.

Infected will become available in game on June 20th, as part of Season 4. In this case it’s themed as an AI takeover, adding robot faces over the infected. Sean Baron, head of live service for the game, announced this along with a few other changes for the game.

  • Beginning with Season 4, all new premium coatings (Premium Battle Pass and Shop) will include individual versions compatible with all armor cores.
  • Career Rank is also coming to Halo Infinite on June 20, giving players an all-new progression system with military-style ranks
  • 343’s official Forge remake of the Halo 5 map “Plaza” is targeted to be released early in Season 4
  • Halo Infinite’s first Bonus XP Weekend will take place over June 2-4
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Halo Infinite has been plagued with unfortunate setbacks. 2022 saw a wave of layoffs at 343 Industries that probably didn’t do much good for the game’s ongoing development. If we’re being honest, we’re talking about a game that launched so barebones, people went to the trouble of hacking in that co-op, after Wendy’s of all things mocked them for not having it.

Ah, well. It seems as time goes on, Infinite will finally be as feature-rich as Halo 3.

Source: PC Gamer

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