H1Z1: King of the Kill Overhauls Combat In Latest Update

Battles intensify in H1Z1 with the introduction of new points of interest, navigation tools, camera perspectives, and movement mechanics.

Daybreak Games has released its largest update of the year for their arena shooter H1Z1: King of the Kill. The update introduces a new weapon – the Hellfire 4-6 submachine gun – and revamps the game’s core mechanics and gunplay to provide players with the best combat experience yet.

The Combat Update further increases the pace and action of H1Z1 by simplifying navigation mechanics, improving combat mechanics and weapon roles, and more. Highlights include:

New Weapon: Players now have the option to spray down opponents with the fast-firing Hellfire 4-6 submachine gun, which was designed for close-quarter fights.

Intuitive Gunplay: All guns have been rebalanced to give each weapon a distinct play style and have been modernized with improved weapon ballistics, hitmarkers, recoil and animation for better proficiency and precision.

Dynamic Cameras: The camera system has been improved to better showcase characters and make it easier to move and loot around the world.

New POIs: Five new points of interest have been added to increase variety in fights and to the map: East Valley Shopping Center, Harris County Fairgrounds, CWP Water Treatment Authority, CWP Utilities Compound 62, and a remade Sunny Pines residential area.

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Improved Navigation: The compass has been updated to ease navigation through the world, including the ability to place a waypoint marker on the map.

And More: Various world systems improvements have been implemented, the ability to shred footwear has been added, bleed mechanics have been simplified, and throwables have been upgraded to be more efficient to use and equip.

The Combat Update also introduces a new Skirmish mode, Weapon Roulette. In Weapon Roulette, players start the match with a random gun equipped with infinite ammo with no other guns or ammo spawned into the map to loot. At certain population thresholds during the match, all players will have their current weapon replaced with a new weapon and ammo at random.

The Combat Update is another major step in realizing the game’s vision, which was outlined in H1Z1 General Manager Anthony Castoro’s recent letter to the community:. https://www.h1z1.com/king-of-the-kill/news/producers-letter-combat-update-test-august-29

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