Guillermo Del Toro Regrets Turning Down the Dark Universe

Guillermo Del Toro

This may be the saddest thing I’ve heard this season.

Look, it’s nigh impossible to hat Guillermo Del Toro. The man uses practical effects in the same way a painter uses oils. But if you wanted to, the fact that he turned down the opportunity to reign over the Dark Universe movies might get you there… almost.

Nope, still can’t hate him.

As the story goes, they offered him the entire monster universe. For whatever reason, he turned it down, which he regrets in hindsight (we all regret it now). In his own words, from a TimesTalks interview:

I’ve said no to things that are enormous and I’ve never looked back. The only time I repent I didn’t do something was in 2007, when Universal in an incredibly gentle and beautiful manner said, ‘Do you want to take over the Monster Universe?’And they gave me the reins of several properties, and I didn’t do it. That I repent. So this is a confessional moment, I repent. That’s the only thing.

You know what, Universal? Call him back. Do it again. I don’t care that he turned you down the first time. Nike up and Just Do It. Guillermo Del Toro is the man that can make this work. Do it.

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Source: Gamespot

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