Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Green Lanterns: Rebirth

I have some problems with the Green Lanterns. There’s something in them as a whole that doesn’t make sense to me, and it makes even less now with this issue. The fact that only six people protect the whole Earth and sector just seems like a strange concept. Man, I wouldn’t feel safe at all if anyone told me that, but it has worked for quite a few years so I’m going to shut up.

The writing of Geoff Johns is something familiar to me as I’ve already read his Justice League Vol 1. I wasn’t a fan of the Justice League, but the story Johns created helped to change that. He has a slow, dramatic pacing, full of twists, and he clearly knows where to lead you while reading.

I’ve found sort of thing in all his stories, so I expect good things from Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 going into it. Looking back on the issue I can see two things that really stood out: the fact that Baz, one of our main characters, seems like someone who needs to be serious because of his origin, and that Sam Humphries also collaborated with this issue.

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1

Ethan van Sciver and Ed Benes did a great work with the art. There’s nothing graphic in there, no gore this time around, I promise, but there’s a violence you can’t deny, and that without a single drop of blood isn’t something easy to pull off effectively.

Jessica Cruz seems like an interesting character, and along with Simon Daz I’m sure we’re going to have something very interesting, inclusive, social and real. Maybe not the newest topics for comic books, but maybe I’m wrong… as I said before, we need to wait and see how this all plays out.

As it happens with classic comic plotlines, we have rookies who will have to face an imminent danger. Starting from that jumping off point we already know where this is going to end, but I’ve learned that you cannot predict what will happen if Johns writes the script, so this will be a comic worth keeping an eye on.

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Green Lanterns: Rebirth

The final page in Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 was simply awesome. Like with many other single-panel pages in the book, this one would works nicely as a promotional poster. The colors and inks are very well done and provide a large visual impact to the reader. I don’t know what other longtime readers will think, but for newbies like me, it was cool. I’m eager to see how this evolves!

However, there’s a similarity with the woman we see at the end and Catwoman. The more I look a her, the more she reminds me of Batman’s lover. I’m gonna give this guys the benefit of the doubt not gonna, but its hard to deny she’s very similar to Selina…

The concept of the ring and the whole Green Lanterns Corps are not my thing, but I’m pretty sure fans will really enjoy it because I certainly did! So if it can grab a non-fan like me this is great way to start a new series. I’m, looking forward to learning a thing or two with this arc continues, which seems to be prepped to be full of surprises.

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