Green Lanterns #1

Green Lanterns #1

Confusing, that’s the word that best describes this issue for me and I’m pretty confused about this story overall. Things just happen so fast and in rapid succession, without much proper explanation that I find it difficult to know what’s really happening throughout this issue.

It’s even hard to describe it, but I’ll do my best as this review goes on. Green Lanterns #1 is a strange crossover between a classic comic plot line and The Walking Dead filled with holes and bad cuts to the script. There is just too much going on in a single issue to make much cohesive sense. I don’t have any better way to describe it than that.

Sam Humphries, what happened here? I know you are new to DC, but your sci-fi background should be a right fir for Green Lanterns. What’s worse is that this one had so much potential that I don’t understand why you would write in such a messy way about something so simple as a pair of heroes that go on their first mission together.

Green Lanterns #1
@DC Comics

The colors also felt like many slaps and a few stiff kicks to the gut. There were so many bright and vivid tones one after the other that they almost burned my eyes while reading, and I know that my sleeping disorder has nothing to do with it right now. There was only one single scene where things are warmer which was a brief rest that my pupils thanked for, before things got right back to blinding.

However (emphasis on the word intended) Rocha, Leisten and Blond did a great job on Green Lanterns #1. I felt completely immersed on the story thanks to the overall art style. Yes, it’s true that it’s like a saturated rainbow went to war and came back on this issue, and I’m sure the entire series will be like this when it comes to the art, but it doesn’t mean it is bad or a mess, but quite the opposite. I do like things and just wished things were a bit warmer.

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Green Lanterns #1
@DC Comics

I cannot say that Green Lanterns #1 is light reading, but rather a strange and complicated one. Despite all that I read the book in around like three minutes my first go around. I don’t feel like it was something with the material itself, just in the pacing with it. There is still something here to be worked with, but the book just needs to slow down a little.

Should we continue reading this or not? Well, that’s up to you. If you are a fan then give it a go, but those on the fence may want to wait and maybe go for the trade when this arc finishes. I’m not sure I will (at least, not by my own will kidding), maybe I’ll give it chance for another issue to see if things improve since things could still work out. Fingers crossed this one finds its footing.

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