GPU Cryptocurrency Mining Is Mostly Dead

Windows XP

Thank God.

The Etherium merge is something I don’t really care to learn about. Beyond, of course, the fact that it has fundamentally all but killed GPU mining. The rewards for doing it just aren’t there anymore. Sure, there’s probably going to be a few holdout shitcoins, as well as a few longer running variants, but the massive scale GPU farming days are apparently pretty much over.

I’m happy with this for two reasons. For one, this means the price of an aftermarket GPU will no longer be higher than the value of your organs on the black market. But for the second, it’s a massive reduction in the amount of technical specs and jargon I have to deal with whenever I get another cryptocurrency article on my desk. I’m avoiding it here because I legitimately don’t want to spend 3+ hours going down some rabbit hole to figure out how to properly rephrase all of this stuff into something normal human beings can understand.

Just… just take solace in the fact that you’re 98% less likely to get sniped by a crypto miner on that GPU you wanted. Our long international nightmare is over… I think. At least, once the chip shortage ends.

Source: PC Gamer

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