Google Shows Off Potential Ugly Logo For Their Game System


Google had an exhibit set up at Game Developer’s Conference, which started on Monday. The exhibit featured a number of consoles and peripherals from over the years, including the likes of the Dreamcast, as well as E.T. on the Atari 2600 and the Power Glove (it’s so bad). And, at the end of a long string of successes and failures, an empty plinth with a card saying “Coming Soon”. From the Variety article on the exhibit:

The exhibit is a sort of small video game museum featuring a timeline of major moments in video games including displays of Pong, GameBoy, the PlayStation, DreamCast, an Atari 2600 and a display case empty accept for a card that reads “Coming Soon.” One backdrop reads “Together we’ll build a playground for our imagination.” The other reads “Anything you dream can be built.” In between the two is a massive arch with the Google icon at the top and a sort of flattened out “S” suspended inside. A Google employee confirmed that was the new logo for what was set to be announced this week, but declined to say if it was an “S.”

The logo in question looks… terrible. It’s like something Adobe would use for one of their more unloved programs. But, hey, maybe in Google, it’s not an “S”; it means hope.

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Rumors abound that Google’s upcoming entry into the gaming market is a streaming console. And that may be the case; if so, they’d beat most of the other major contenders to market with an exclusively streaming-focused box. Supporting those rumors is the fact that Chromecast devices currently have code related to game streaming, as well as Google’s controller patent.

Regardless, we’ll know soon. Google’s unveiling their plans for this “S” console today.

Source: Gizmodo

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