Google Glass Now Available To The Public ?

Yes! You read that right. If you have $1,500 lying around, you too can get Google glass.

Google was offering Glass to the public as a one-day sale, earlier this month and maybe that one-day sale really netted them a nice  profit.

For now there hasn’t been any public announcement, but after looking at these screen shots (marked Apr 24), it’s clear to say it might me time to get that money ready.

If this does continue on and more people know that Google doesn’t require an invitation anymore it’s safe to say they will go out of stock again very quickly.

But before you pull out that $1,500, keep in mind of the requirements that you should be over 18 years old, and be a US resident with a US address.

If there are any updates or official announcements, we will give you a update.

Until then, start saving!

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