Goku’s New Blue Super Saiyan God Form Revealed

Super Saiyan God

So, it looks like Vegeta will once again have something to whine about now that Toei Animation has given us our first look at the next step (how many are there now?) in Saiyan power.

In the images (of which I can’t read) we see Goku’s new Super Saiyan God form that he will be reaching in the upcoming film Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu no F (Resurrection of F). I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this will be the last, super really hard to get to, power level as there isn’t much wiggle room once you reach God level. Also, he gets blue hair with the deal.

These damn Saiyan’s and there powers, it’s a wonder how they were all wiped out in the first place. You can check out the video of his transformation below. Also, it seems like Japanese television is now basically YouTube as every video I see from the country is in scare cam format.

Super Saiyan God
Via: SaiyanIsland.com

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