Github User Accurately Simulates The Predatory Nature Of Diablo Immortal’s Monetization

Diablo Immortal

Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ roll-

So, if it wasn’t apparent by now, Diablo Immortal has some pretty… aggressive monetization in effect. And it was proved pretty definitively when a New Zealand streamer spent $25,000 NZD (around $15,000-$16,000 US) rolling a single 5-star item, then deleting it and uninstalling the game in protest. Which, I mean, Blizzard’s probably still happy about since they got the money anyway, but he really stuck it to them.

Well, the good news is you can now try your luck with Diablo Immortal‘s horrible lootbox system without spending one thin dime. This comes courtesy of dimi777, who created $25 Rift Simulator. Which, by all accounts is a fairly accurate, and slowly becoming more accurate, simulation of the absolutely disgusting monetization present in the actual game. It comes complete with a “Waste $25” button. Groovy.

Diablo Immortal

Me personally? I clicked “Calculate The Cost Of A 5/5 Gem”, which stops when you get that 5/5, and watched the damn thing go until it hit an appalling $7,250 for my first 5/5. Which is an accurate model of my luck in these types of things, and good example of why I stopped playing f2p gacha trash. My second attempt topped out at a much luckier $2475, which is still more dollarydoos than I’d be willing to spend on a single in-game item.

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Go ahead, try your luck. Share it around. Really, really shame the company for this shit.

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