
Ghostbusters Review

There has been much talk, and hate, on the internet about the new Ghostbusters reboot, but after seeing it in IMAX 3D I can say that those fears and concerns were completely unjustified. Ghostbusters is a fantastic feel good film starring a smattering of funny females that come off as strong, witty, funny, and not afraid to mix it up with all manner of ghoulish grossness. The all-star cast features many SNL alums whose timing is spot on, and the secondary cast (also many SNL and comedy veterans) add a much-loved flavor to an already fun film.

While I won’t spoil anything, all the classic Ghostbusters make an appearance here as new characters, but each offer their own punch to the fast-moving story. There are even other Ghostbusters alum that pop up that even I didn’t expect, which made the film joy to sit through. Ghostbusters is a reboot sure, but it’s one that is respectful of what came before while taking a unique spin on idea and story elements that we classic Ghostbusters fans are familiar with.

Ghostbusters Review

I went with a friend who knows of Ghostbusters and can even quote some classic bits thanks to pop culture, but has never seen the original films. She loved the film and had a unique perspective on the story and characters as she had no personal connection with them. To find that we both came away loving the film says a lot about the care that went into this project.

While I won’t go as far as saying this new Ghostbusters is in any way better than the original film (it was a cultural classic for kids my age) this new take is a worthy holder of the Ghostbusters mantle for a new and different generation of kids. It’s not all that often that there is a female lead film starring a bunch of kick ass women, but Ghostbusters is a step in the right direction. It’s a film that the entire family can enjoy on different levels and will leave audiences satisfied.

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Ghostbusters review

The special effects were a concern for me as practical effects always come out on top, but this Ghostbusters didn’t skimp and provided one of the best 3D IMAX experiences I’ve had the pleasure of checking out. The ending scene of the Ghostbusters taking on the main villain and all his cronies was simply jaw-dropping in scope and presentation. Kate McKinnon in particular had a spectacular fight scene, thanks to her implementing a slew of new proton weapons for the team, that stands with any awesome spectacle from any Marvel hero film.

Ghostbusters is hands down one of the most entertaining films of 2016 and leaves the door open perfectly for a future installment that takes from classic Ghostbusters lore. Those new to Ghostbusters are going to love what this film offers while serious fans should get a kick out of familiar faces, fantastic effects and sweeping action bit. While it may not go down as a film that defines a generation, it’s one that deserves to be seen and enjoyed. Reboots will always live in the shadows of their originals, but Ghostbusters does enough to warrant its name.

Do yourself a favor this weekend and check out Ghostbusters. You won’t be disappointed if you go into the film looking to have a good time and watch some really solid comedians work their craft.

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