Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex First Assault Online shutting down

The team behind the online shooter with the ludicrously long name will be sunsetting Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex First Assault Online in North and South America, Europe, and the Oceania region, with final closure scheduled for December 6.

The game has been in development for a long time, supported by developer, publisher, and community effort. Ultimately, the team decided that continued development wasn’t going to help the game become what they all hoped it could become.

We played the game for a number of months and had quite a bit of fun with the title, even if it wasn’t as fleshed out or deep as many other offerings from other publishers. And dealing with cheaters was a growing concern. Still, it was good silly fun and it’s a shame it’s going away forever.

The team will be supporting the game for the next several months during the sunset period, allowing both the development and publishing teams and the community to say goodbyes and enjoy the game.

It’s a shame that we live in an age where these sorts of games will never be enjoyed int he future as archiving isn’t really an option. Hopefully the developers leave the option for fans to host their own servers.

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As a courtesy to the community we will provide players with NX for items purchased.

NX Details:

• Players will be provided NX for all eligible purchased items according to date purchased. The amount of NX to be provided is as follows:

Date item purchased NX Provided %
After or on February 27, 2017 100%
Before February 27, 2017 50%

• The following items are not eligible for NX: 

o Section 9 Pass (30 Days)
o Section 9 Pass (15 Days)
o Recruit Early Access Pack
o Operative Early Access Pack
o Specialist Early Access Pack
o Elite Early Access Pack 

• Nexon will deliver the NX on December 6, 2017.

NX provided under this program will expire no earlier than one year from the date of delivery according to the Nexon America Terms of Sale policy found here: 

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