Ghost Rider could be spinning off into his own Netflix series or film

Agents of Shield  is a show that got off to a slow start, but has really come into its own. The only really problem is that Marvel seems to be building an even bigger divide between their television on movie universes. This could be a good or bad thing depending  on how you see it, but we could be seeing a really connection in Ghost Rider.

The new Ghost Rider that has been an integral part of this season of Agents of Shield and fans have been really behind the character. Speaking to the man behind the flaming skull (Gabriel Luna) said there are plans to do something more with the character in the future.

I don’t have a preference. People talk about ‘Ah man he’d be great as a feature,’ which is [an] idea too… It could be in the cinema, it could live on Netflix, whatever it is.

It’s been talked about, there’s definitely deals in place for that potential. But I just take it one day at a time. I have so much fun now I just want to make sure I get these episodes right. If they throw more episodes on my plate, I will do my best to do well with those stories as well.

So what sort of project would you like to see for the latest Marvel hero? Personally I would like to see a film, but a Netflix series could work just as well. My issue is that Ghost Rider is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe and is one of the few people that can put down the hulk if he wanted.

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Ghost Rider

With Ghost Rider, Marvel could have a character that can easily bridge the gap between their television and movie universes. With how we were introduced to Robbie Reyes there is a rich backstory there with former Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze.

Hey, marvel, I say put the two riders together and turn it into a buddy cop picture only against the forces of hell. My invoice for that idea is in the mail.

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