Get Schooled with the Back to Basics Trailer for ‘Puyo Puyo Tetris’

I’m not one to judge if you don’t know how to pop Puyos or clear Tetriminos, but luckily for you there are tons of ways to learn how to play in Puyo Puyo Tetris.

Practice makes perfect, so playing the tutorials and training with the variety of challenge modes in the game will make you a pro in no time. And while I’m pretty good at both games, mixing them together may throw a monkey wrench into my puzzle plans.

Learn how to get better at initiating Puyo chains in Endless Fever and Endless Puyo modes! Practice your Tetris stacking strategies in Sprint and Ultra modes. There’s always room for improvement, so be sure to spend some quality time with the Challenge Modes.

Of course, another way to get good is to actually play against other people. Even though you may fall to more experienced players at first, it’ll only be a matter of time before you feel the amazing thrill of victory.

I know it might be a little weird to get excited over a puzzle game, especially during the launch period of a new console, but this mixing of two legendary puzzle games has me all giddy.

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