Get a Load of These 1998 Demakes of Bioshock and Others

1998 was a hell of a year.

There are times when I miss 1998. Not just because my life wasn’t garbage then (actually, that’s a lie, my life functionally became crap in 1998, to my recollection). But because, at least as far as games go, it was a simpler time. You put a game into the machine, you played the game, you presumably enjoyed the game. Unless you were playing on PC, in which case you had to install it then just as you do now. Remind me how that’s a superior method of going about things? There was no DLC as you or I would recognize it. Online gaming? Still in its infancy. You characters had so many sharp edges, they may as well have been roughly hewn from wood.

And that, in a nutshell, is what 98DEMAKE’s YouTube channel offers. He carefully re-imagines what new games would look like back in the late 90’s. For example, Bioshock is one of his more recent videos:

It’s hard not to love that extra touch with the jewel case mockup. And how muddy and low rez it all looks.

I think it’s funny how Minecraft already looks like a game from 1998, so he basically had to stretch.

Fun fact: we know what Dark Souls would’ve looked like in 1998, because From Software actually made it. It was called King’s Field, and nobody liked it.

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Not gonna lie; he probably beat Ubisoft with that one.

He’s been doing these videos for a while now. According to his Q&A video, it can take anywhere from 10 to 50 hours to make one of these videos, depending on the complexity of the game. And it’s fairly obvious that he’s gotten better over time. Not like everybody always agrees with his vision, though:

Hi Larry! Love your channel, too.

Also, topical:

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