GeForce Now Lets you Stream Cutting Edge Games to your Potato

GeForce Now

And your potato won’t get baked.

GeForce Now is NVIDIA’s turn at the whole “stream your games to your computer” thing. Much like PSNow and OnLive, it lets you stream games in high settings to your PC, regardless of how bad your specs are. What’s more, it integrates with your accounts for services like Uplay and Steam, allowing you to install games in a matter of seconds.

GeForce Now

But the downside of such things thus far hasn’t really been the service itself. For one thing, you need a very fast internet connection. NVIDIA recommends the following:

  • GeForce NOW streaming quality automatically adjusts to the speed of your broadband connection.
    • 10 Megabits per second – Required broadband connection speed
    • 20 Megabits per second – Recommended for 720p 60 FPS quality
    • 50 Megabits per second – Recommended for 1080p 60 FPS quality
  • < 60ms ping time to one of six NVIDIA datacenters world-wide

The Beta is currently free right now; you can request to join it on their site. As to the price of such a service when it launches proper, though, that may be another downside. They axed an initial asking price of $25 for 20 hours of service; which, I think you’ll agree, is a tad to rich for anyone that doesn’t have the money for a better PC to begin with. They haven’t replaced that with anything, however, just silence on pricing. I suppose that we’ll learn more closer to launch, whenever that happens to be.

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Source: VG 24/7

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