GameStop Lets you Know that the Bonus Mission is Blocked in Assassin’s Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins

Unless you pre-order with them, of course.

I get the sneaking suspicion that whoever is in charge of GameStop’s advertising needs to have their hands sawed off to prevent them from continuing to commit evil. Because in their recent ad for Assassin’s Creed Origins, they flat out tell you that the bonus mission can’t be unlocked without a pre-order. Which counts as advertising in the same way that telling customers that every hot dog comes with a free mandatory, non-negotiable colonoscopy. In the sense that it’s the worst way to sell your product.

Assassin's Creed Origins

I know better than to think that’s actually true, though. This ad is merely the signal flare that lights a fire under someone’s ass to prove them wrong. At the very least, on PC. But hey, there’s probably going to be some way to do it on consoles. As we all know, life, uh, finds a way. And, you know the inevitable GotY edition will have it.

Sources: PC Mag, @YourPalRags

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