GameStop Announces Power Pass for Used Games


Will probably do nothing to any given store’s used Madden population.

GameStop has been in the process of pushing their used games. And the current method of doing so that they’ve devised is called Power Pass.

For $60, you can borrow any used game you like for 6 months. You can turn it in for a different one whenever you want, too. And the last game you rent during that period, you get to keep. No restrictions; as long as it’s used, it’s fair game.

This was probably devised as a means to move their used game inventory and still make money. And it’s mostly reasonable. Personally, if I were to go into this deal, I would, at the very least, want my pick of the games I’d rented. That’s impossible, since they need to go back into circulation (i.e. store shelves) under this system. Still, it might work out for GameStop in the end. Though I’d imagine the terms will need tweaking after the initial run.

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